Stop corruption
Prevention of corruption
The goal is to create an effective system of preventing and combating corruption in the State Enterprise “Classification Society the Shipping Register of Ukraine” (hereinafter – the Register) by ensuring that the Register’s employees are aware of their rights and responsibilities through the implementation of effective anti-corruption standards.
Expected results:
- minimisation of the risks of involvement of the Register’s management and employees into corrupt activities;
- increased awareness of the Register’s employees of the need to comply with the principles and requirements of anti-corruption legislation, as well as to take adequate measures to prevent corruption;
- generalisation and explanation of the main provisions of the anti-corruption legislation of Ukraine on prevention of corruption, conflict of interest, violation of ethical standards of behaviour;
- creation of additional tool for detecting violations of anti-corruption legislation.
Report on anti-corruption legislation violations
In order to eliminate corrupt business practices, the Shipping Register of Ukraine cooperates with persons who report in good faith possible violations of anti-corruption legislation.
If a person has information about corruption or corruption-related violations, he/she may send the information that he/she has about these facts to the Register’s address with a mandatory indication in the subject line or on the envelope: “For the authorised person for combating corruption”.
In addition, reports of alleged violations of the Register’s Anti-Corruption Programme, anti-corruption legislation, professional ethics requirements, etc. may be sent via the following communication channels:
– post address: 10 Petra Sahaidachnoho St., Kyiv, 04070
– telephone: +380 67-236-33-39
– e-mail: [email protected];
PLEASE NOTE: All reports will be reviewed in accordance with the requirements of the law, and an anonymous report of a violation of the Law of Ukraine “On Prevention of Corruption” will be reviewed only if the information provided in it relates to a specific person and contains verifiable facts.
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Anti-corruption programme of the Register
Specially authorised entities in the field of combating corruption
- National Agency for Prevention of Corruption
- National Anti-Corruption Bureau of Ukraine
- General Prosecutor’s Office of Ukraine
- National Police of Ukraine
List of the key anti-corruption laws and regulations
• United Nations Convention against Corruption (Law of Ukraine of 18 October 2006 No. 251-V)
• Civil Convention on Corruption (Law of Ukraine of 16 March 2005 No. 2476-IV)
• Criminal Convention on Corruption (Law of Ukraine of 18 October 2006 No. 252-V)
Laws of Ukraine:
• Law of Ukraine dated 14.10.2014 No. 1700-VII “On Prevention of Corruption”
• Law of Ukraine dated 14.10.2014 No. 1698-VII “On the National Anti-Corruption Bureau of Ukraine”
The President of Ukraine
The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine
- Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated 16.11.2011 No. 1195 “On Approval of the Procedure for Transfer of Gifts Received as Gifts to the State, the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, a Territorial Community, State or Municipal Institutions or Organisations”
- Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated 08.02.2012 No. 64 “On Production of Forms of Declaration on Property, Income, Expenses and Financial Liabilities”
- Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine No. 706 dated 04.09.2013 “On Prevention and Detection of Corruption”
- Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated 29.04.2015 No. 265 “On Approval of the State Programme for Implementation of the Principles of the State Anti-Corruption Policy in Ukraine (Anti-Corruption Strategy) for 2015-2017”
Ministry of Justice of Ukraine
- Order of the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine dated 23.06.2010 No. 1380/5 “On Approval of the Methodology for Anti-Corruption Expertise of Draft Regulatory Legal Acts”
- Order of the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine No. 39/5 dated 11.01.2012 “On Approval of the Regulation on the Unified State Register of Persons Committing Corruption Offences”
- Order of the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine and the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade of Ukraine No. 2055/5/1153 dated 30.09.2013 “On the National System of Corruption Assessment”
- Order of the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine dated 18.03.2015 No. 383/5 “Some issues of anti-corruption expertise”